St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church

St. Thomas

We, the parish family of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, proclaim our belief in the message and mission of Jesus Christ.

We are committed to sharing our time, talent, and treasure through worship, spiritual formation, and outreach.

English Mass: Sat 5:30PM, Sun 8AM & 11AM
Misa en Español: Sun 12:30PM & 5PM
Reconciliation: Sat 4PM-5PM

Office Hours: 8AM-4PM Mon-Thu, 8AM-12PM Fri

80 Saint Thomas Way, Montevallo, AL 35115

Photo of the exterior of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
Weekly Letter

February 16, 2025

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I don’t often comment on the psalms of our weekend liturgy in this space. I absolutely love the psalms, and they’re one of the foundational pieces of my prayer life, but they are rarely in the forefront of the Sunday liturgy. The way it usually works is that the psalm normally provides a bit of a meditative reflection on the 1st reading and the Gospel. But this weekend, in many ways, the psalm speaks just as clearly as the readings. We’re privileged to sing the words of Psalm 1 this weekend. Aside from being literally the first psalm, it’s often called the “gateway” to the entire Book of Psalms, because it describes a particular spiritual outlook that’s needed to understand the spiritual depths of the rest of the psalms. The psalms propose a way of life where every moment, every thought, and every emotion are occasions to seek God. When we rejoice, we praise his goodness. When we feel down, we ask for his help. When we need guidance, we seek his light. There’s a reason the Church has constantly used psalms as the basis of our daily prayers: our lives would be so much better if we lived that way. But to get to that point of experiencing God in every moment, we have to want to experience him—and if we’re honest with ourselves, we know that means we need to change. We have to “be converted” to delighting in God’s words and will at each moment. Psalm 1 reminds us that the starting point to entering the lifestyle of praise found in the psalms, and lived so fully by Jesus Christ, requires us to reflect on the two ways we can go in life. With God or without him. We can choose either the instability and uncertainty of life without him, or the confidence of walking in accordance with his will. Brothers and sisters, let’s choose to walk the journey with God, and claim the promise of Scripture that in doing so we will be “like a tree planted near running water, that yields fruit in due season, and whose leaves never fade.” Through the intercession and example of St. Thomas our patron and Blessed Mary Ever-Virgin, let’s live the life of praise laid out in the Psalms. God bless,

Father Jantz

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Annulment Advocates

St Thomas parish currently has two diocesan tribunal certified advocates for the marriage annulment process. Deacon David and Ann Hicks are available to serve as advocates for parish members that may have questions about the annulment procedures or may be considering the annulment process. Please contact Deacon David or Ann Hicks if you have questions or need further assistance.


FORMED is a digital platform that offers access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and e-Books. There is a wealth of information about the Catholic Faith on this platform. St. Thomas Parish has purchased a subscription to this service for all parishioners. To register: go to at the link below, enter our parish code, CV4M7B, create a personal account with your user name/email and password.

Monthly Memorial Mass For Our Dearly departed Loved Ones

St. Thomas the Apostle will celebrate monthly Memorial Masses to honor our friends and family who have gone to the house of the Father. These Masses will take place every 2nd Thursday at 6pm in Spanish and every 3rd Thursday at 9am in English, and all are welcome to attend. Please contact Sr. Amanda Magdalena ( or 205-358-1973) to add the names of your deceased loved ones or if you have any questions.

Catholic Charismatic Monthly Mass At Our Lady of Sorrows

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama announces the celebration of monthly Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Church the second Thursday of each month. Come worship and praise and enjoy coming together to give glory to God. Confessions are at 6:15 pm, Praise Music at 6:30 pm and Mass begins at 7:00 pm. Individual prayer is available after Mass. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! For more information, contact Ray Makofsky at 205-999-8947.


Eucharistic Minister giving the Eucharist to a parishioner


At St. Thomas, we have a wide variety of ministries, such as our Hispanic ministry, youth and college ministries, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, our Faith Formation classes for students grades 1-10, and our Confirmation and First Communion programs.

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Father Jantz receiving the offering basket at Mass


You can donate online via Faith Direct! You can choose to make a one-time donation or to start a recurring weekly or monthly payment. If you save your login, you can come back and change your bank info or pledge amount any time.

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Faith Formation Handbook

Details about registration for Faith Formation classes at St. Thomas and children's preparation for the sacraments

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